She Said… What to Expect From the Wife

I hope no high hopes exist for the material presented here, in the “She said…” portion of the blog, because they will quickly shatter.

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As the clumsy, lazy in the kitchen wife of a professional chef, I can only hope to offer some tips on staying alive while being total inept in the kitchen.

I kid… partly. I also hope to offer some humor and entertainment. As I practice my photography, you may also see some quality images!

I have no fear of the kitchen, and often throw things together that seem like world class cuisine combinations, only to indulge in the visually unappealing pile of mush on my plate. At least that pile of mush tastes good.

“The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude.” - Julia Child

I cannot offer any fancy recipes, or world class cuisine. I also cannot offer any insights into the meaning of any fancy cooking terminology. I cannot tell you the latest trends in the culinary world, the names of any of the top chefs, or the locations of world class restaurants. I don’t have much of anything that might be considered valuable to offer. With that said, I can provide entertainment while I attempt to emerge from my husband’s shadow.

If I cannot offer anything of value, why keep reading? Well, aside from the self-deprecating humor, I can offer tips and tricks for incorporating healthy eating into your life, quick cook meals for lazy chefs like me (who wants to wait for dinner?), and tasty recipe ideas that may not look so pretty when plated. I can also share my many mistakes along the way to help you avoid the same pitfalls, kitchen disasters and injuries.

I encourage you to follow me on this journey, as I detail all the mouth-watering recipes that I find and attempt to recreate, concoct my own creations that will, more often than not, result in complete failure, and strive to turn a tasty, unhealthy recipe into something that tastes better than cardboard. I cannot promise success, but I can promise disaster - like the car wreck you pass on the highway that you just can’t help staring at.

As long as I have insurance, and no injuries result, who cares if I blow up the kitchen… right?


He Said… transcendent Cooking: An Act of Love - Part I